Monday, August 26, 2019

Ice Cream Social Encourages Family History Work

   Brother Dan Sroufe, center, was recently called as the Ward Temple and Family History Lead.  He says that everyone in the ward can be assisted in finding their ancestors and doing their ordinances.  This evening was dedicated to helping anyone who needed help or encouragement.
    On the right is Earl McOmber, who with his wife Betty, is over the Family History Center.  He was available during the evening to lend a hand to those who needed it.
    Cathy Leonard, top left, is also a member of the Family History staff and is always helping members and non-members alike.  She and her husband Travis serve a weekly shift in the FHC. She always has good ideas for get-togethers and the ice cream social idea came from her.  Yummy.
   Our sister missionaries, Sister Graham and Sister Ballantyne, are with Don Poser, an investigator who loves genealogy. He has done some serious research. Working top right are Rick and Jerry Wheeler.  Bottom right are Dan Sroufe and  Wade Broughton who are trying to figure out a detail in Wade's ancestor line.
    Although research and finding names was emphasized on this occasion, Brother Sroufe says it is important to also know about the roots of our ancestors.  We should be interested in their life stories.  What did these good people do in their lives?  It is also important to write our own life stories, reemphasizing the spiritual events that have meaning to us.

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