Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Missionary Plan for the New Year

   On the last Sunday of 2019 the entire ward from age 11 and up met together to discuss ways to make the ward mission plan come to life.  Ward Mission Leader Eric Fairbanks and the Elders Quorum presidency had arranged circles of chairs in the cultural hall.
  Each circle discussed and made notes in three areas that were each presented on slides showing on the stage screen.  The areas were those that had previously been discussed in Ward Council: 
1. Prepare
2. Invite
3. Support
Left: Brother Fairbanks takes the microphone to each circle of members and they use their notes to report their ideas in each area.  Don Daley, Elder's Quorum President, and Casey Haynes, Elders Quorum First Counselor, were there to assist.
Some of the ideas expressed from the notes were:
Collecting items for homeless shelters; walking dogs at humane society, making hygiene kits for the "Days for Girls"program; ward-wide food storage program; involve non-members in cemetery and other cleaning projects; share extra garden produce; have a yard work service plan, help the Salvation Army; have an activity at Lodi Lake and many more.
   Our ward missionaries are Sister Ball, left, and Sister Hamilton.  They are eager to work with ward members in finding people to whom they can teach the gospel.

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