Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Special Christmas Sacrament Meeting

   Today Mokelumne River Ward honored the birth of Jesus Christ through beautiful music and touching talks. Caden Webb sang an amazingly beautiful rendition of "O Holy Night," followed by the choir singing "O, Come Emmanuel" featuring soloist Marie VerSteeg.  They also sang two other Christmas hymns in the program.  The songs, "We Three Kings," and "What child is This" were sung by the McGhie family.  Their oldest daughter Samantha accompanied them on the guitar.
   Spiritual Christmas talks were given by the bishopric: Joseph Stringer, Tyler Burton, Tim Shull and Bishop Eric Holden.
  Following the meeting, a "Linger Longer" was held for everyone to enjoy food brought by members.  There was a lot more Christmas delights than these pictures show. The darling Santa Claus was designed and constructed by Hazel, Willa and Hilary Sroufe!
     This is just a portion of the large group of people who enjoyed food and fellowship with one another.  The next two pictures are a few people who didn't escape the camera.  We report that everyone had a wonderful time.

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