Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Our Amazing Singing Primary

    It's gotta be true!!  If you were witness to the Primary presenting our recent Sacrament meeting program, you know those kids can sing! Their music leader Hilary Sroufe does a fabulous job.  Each week she has a different shtick to not only teach them the songs but to help them feel the spirit.  She incorporates fun and feeling with the music. She often bears her testimony of the message in the music.
    These pictures are examples.  She had Bishop Holdon (top picture) and Brother Haynes (picture to the right) come. Both have a "blank pallet" for this activity. As the children sang she observed and chose a good singer to come and add "hair" to the heads of these dear leaders who are such good sports.  It was hilarious!  As you can see, the children sang very well.

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