Friday, December 20, 2019

Relief Society Sisters and Elders Join Hands

     Casey Haynes, far left, is 1st counselor in the Elders Quorum presidency.  Missionary work falls under his domain.  It an effort to get families involved he brought a blank calendar into Relief Society one Sunday and said if the sisters would fill it up with dates to have a friend(s) over for an evening to meet with the Sister Missionaries, he would cook a dinner for them.
   This was quite an enticement, as Brother Haynes is well known as an excellent cook.The calendar filled up.  The Relief Society Christmas dinner was donated and cooked by Casey and his wife Jennifer and it was beautifully presented and delicious. Casey said it was a good deal.  Also helping him and Jennifer with the meal was Joseph Stringer and Brad Webb.
 The sisters enjoyed being served by the ward's Young Men and Young Women. They were very pleasant and capable.
This chicken dinner was out-of-this-world good.  After the main course everyone enjoyed desserts provided by the sisters.
After the sisters finished eating, the youth got to load up on all the extra desserts.  There wasn't much left after that.  This dinner was enjoyed by all!
   The sisters were able to take home two special gifts. Inside the red package on the left was a small ornament featuring "Away In A Manager" being held by Priscilla Quarnstrom. On The right are wooden inns made by Laurie Shore.  She and her husband Rocky made mangers for all of the sisters for Christmas two years ago.  It's definitely the season to be generous.  We are grateful.

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