Sunday, December 1, 2019

Primary Presents Beautiful Sacrament Meeting Program

   Right from beginning members attending Sacrament meeting on November 24 knew there would be a special program that day.  The children had colored the front of the paper program with a picture of Jesus kneeling in prayer. The audience filled the chapel as well as about 1/3 of the cultural hall, as lots of family members from other wards were present.
    The primary studied the new testament this year and children gained a testimony by studying the works of Christ.  The program began by the children (so many of them that they hardly fit in the stand) sang "Paise to the Man" along with some signing for the hearing impaired. Another song was about reading the holy scriptures and knowing that they are true.  Other songs and talks well prepared completed the program.  The children have certainly built testimonies of the living Christ with their studies at primary throughout the year.

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