Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Meet Our New Relief Society Presidency

New Relief Society Presidency for Mokelumne River Ward L to R: Suzanne Fairbanks, First Counselor; Lisa Clegg, President; BrieAnn Congrave, Second Counselor
   Our new Relief Presidency is a delightful group of sisters who are committed to serving, and sharing strong testimonies of the Gospel.
    Sister Lisa Clegg said that when she was called as president she immediately felt a surge of spirit and knew that she had been called for a reason.  She knew that she loved every sister, even those she did not yet know.  She felt this love throughout the following days--morning, noon and evening. She will be a wonderful Relief Society President.
    First Counselor Suzanne Fairbanks was surprised at the calling, as only recently she had been called to be a RS teacher. She said she is excited for this opportunity to serve and feels it is important for sisters to gather together and love each other more. She will be in presiding over the Sunday lessons.
    Sister Congrave will work with the RS sisters on their various weekday activities. She felt inadequate for the calling, but is excited at the same time.  She said she is willing and ready to serve.  The sisters in the ward look forward to working with their new presidency.

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