Sunday, March 29, 2020

Surviving the Coronavirus Pandemic!

   We will not be able to meet with each other at church for several weeks after being instructed to "stay home" by our civic leaders in an attempt to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.  We have been well taught by our General Authorities the last two years on how to teach our families at home.  We are so fortunate!  Following are some stories about families who are trying their best to remain spiritually uplifted while this unimaginable experience is happening.  (All written in first person.)

Cliff and Ann Kerr
  Last Sunday ( March 15) we had a "fireside" for a couple in our ward.  As you can see from the picture, it was a small gathering and we honored the "social distancing." Ann had prepared a presentation about the art in the Rome Temple Visitor's Center for a group of Stake Relief Society Sisters in Sacramento.  Most of it was about the ministry, miracles, and parables of the Savior, which were displayed in a large window of beautiful stained glass.  The presentation was cancelled due to the virus, so we turned it into a "lesson" with questions and discussion.  Everyone really enjoyed it and it was the perfect Sunday activity.
    Today (March 22) we dressed in church clothes and had a sacrament meeting with two "family" members who don't live with us.
   Cliff prepared the sacrament and we sang a sacrament song together and had a prayer. Then Cliff told a little story that happened out in the garden when he was feeding our calf.  Two non-member families came by and he was able to help them with some issues they were having.  After Sacrament meeting we had a stir-fry dinner made by Cliff, and we watched today's "Music and the Spoken Word."  It was a wonderful day and we all felt we were spiritually blessed.

Shirley Mason Family
     In our world today where there is so much uncertainty, it is more important than ever to teach our kids, grandkids and great grandkids important survival skills.  Among the many, these skills can range from planting and growing a garden, knowing how to make meals from scratch with food storage items, and sewing.  I have always loved working with my grandkids and great grandkids to learn how to sew and cook.  During this time of uncertainty we decided to make homemade bread.  Jim located our wheat supply and ground it.  Our granddaughters helped me make the bread.  It was delicious! In these latter days, self-reliance skills, charity and service to others are of utmost importance, and exemplifies our desire to Follow Christ and His teachings.

Shirley Mason
    Recently, I had the opportunity to practice charity by making medical masks for a skilled nursing facility my nephew manages.  Because of the Coronavirus, they were in great need, but due to the virus could not get things. I got busy and made several reusable masks, which were a life saver for their facility.

Carlston Family
     If you were a fly on the wall at our home church (because if you weren’t a fly, this social distancing thing might preclude your visit in the first place!), let me tell you about a few things you might notice. 
     First of all, you might see that the house is in a state of more disarray than mom would prefer. But since our living room has recently become a multi-grade school as well as a church, there’s just no getting around the messes right now. 
     Next, you might hear mediocre piano playing as dad plays hymns and primary songs that he hasn’t played in quite some time! And singing along with that mediocre playing you’ll definitely hear some joyful but off-key singing by the kids and adults alike. And after the music, you’ll hear the nervous giggles of an eight year old as she shares with her family a talk about the Prophet Joseph Smith and his important role in translating the scriptures (The Book of Mormon) we are currently studying as a family and a church.
     But in all this aforementioned imperfection and chaos, we hope you’d feel the peace and joy that inspired this whole commotion in the first place. That you might know what we know, that Jesus Christ is our Savior, sent to earth by a loving Father, to show us the way to return to our heavenly home. That the cluttered living room and missed notes are just earthly and human deficiencies that are in no way reflective of the wholeness and perfection that is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. And we hope that realization and that feeling would be enough to bring you back to visit again next Sunday!  With love,The Carlston Family

Elizabeth Sprowls
   I have spent some of my time at homemaking homemade birthday cards that I will send out on the birthdays of all the students on my Sunday School roster.
   I am also recording my husband's life story for him.  He is not a member, but I thought his son and granddaughter etc. will appreciate the recordings.  I will transcribe them later.
   My granddaughter is not a member of our church but is involved with the pre-school program at her church.  She and her two sisters are making videos of themselves doing puppet shows about gospel stories and sending them to the kids in their class.  I thought this was a great idea!

Ben and Katie Brown Family
  We had church today, for the second week in a row.  I guess  it is difficult to get a good picture with everyone looking.  It was an amazing experience, having Ben bless and pass us the sacrament.  I am thankful for his worthiness to hold the priesthood and lead our family.  It was a great experience in this awful, worldwide situation.

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