Friday, March 6, 2020

Madalynn Matthews Has "Best Friend" Support at Baptism

      Can you imagine the joy a 10-year-old girl has when her close 10-year-old friend decides to become a member of the church?  Madalynn Matthews in white baptismal clothes was encouraged by her mother Kelly Matthews to learn about the gospel.  She was set up with the sister missionaries (Sisters Hamilton and Ball) to begin being taught.  Of course her friend Leanna Clegg, daughter of Arnel and Lisa Clegg, wanted to join in the lessons and was with her throughout.
      On the day of Maddi's baptism ( February 29) Leanna was there to help her be comfortable with the baptismal clothing and help her be ready.  Her mother Lisa said it was fun to watch the two from a young girl perspective as they worked together through the event.

      Maddi was baptized by Leanna's dad Arnel Clegg. The sister missionaries were witnesses. She was confirmed in Sacrament Meeting the next day by Eric Fairbanks.
     Later in the week as the two cute girls were hanging out at the Chile Cookoff, we couldn't resist grabbing a picture of them. (Top Right Picture)  Congratulations to Madalynn!

Missionaries in the Making! 

This picture courtesy of the Sister Missionaries.  Yes, it certainly looks like they
have been training Madalynn and Leanna.


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