Saturday, February 29, 2020

Chili Cookoff is Fun for All

        It was another one of the Mokelumne River Ward's great friendshipping events. A large crowd enjoyed choosing from 15 different pots of Chili and multiple choices for toppings, cornbread, salads, and deserts.  Each person was given a ticket before they ate and asked to put it in the jar in front of the chili they choose as the best. The winners were awarded prizes. How could one choose?  Each one was delicious.
    "Peoples' Choice" was nailed by Chene Mogler (left) and Tyler Burton (right) picked up an award for "Most Colorful" with a pot of chicken chili made by his wife Jennell. Others who won awards were Loren Perry for "Perry's Chili," Eric Fairbanks for "Woodland Chili," and Tammy Woods for "Just Eat It."
    Chene Mogler was also awarded a prize for his "Hottest Chili" called "Two Alarm."  Cindy Parker nailed "1st Empty Pot" with her "Sweet Bacon" entry.

   These are a few or the people who attended and enjoyed the event.  In the upper right picture are the "official" tasters: Elders Quorum President Don Daley, and bishopric counselors  Joseph Stringer and Tyler Burton.
      Thanks go to Tammi Woods, Ann Grether, Andrea Mogler and Julie McGhie for planning and organizing this wonderful event.

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