Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Wade and Ann Broughton Called to Serve Mission

Ann and Wade Broughton
    Wade and Ann Broughton have been called to serve in the North Carolina Charlotte Mission and will check into the MTC on March 16.  In Charlotte they will be working with a Spanish speaking ward of the Church.
   As a young man, Wade served a mission in Bogota Colombia.  While there he served as the branch president for six months.  "Then is when I learned the wonderful value of sister missionaries," he said.  "Besides being branch president, I was the Relief Society president too.  None of the other Elders it the branch had a clue about what to do."  Fortunately his mother had been a RS President when he was young, and Wade knew what to do to train the sisters in Colombia until sister missionaries could be sent there to help them.
   Meantime Ann graduated from BYU and was teaching elementary school.  She also wanted to serve a mission and had turned her application in.  But then Wade came into the picture, they fell in love, and Ann was prompted by the Holy Ghost that she should marry him and postpone her mission.
  The Broughtons have had many experiences serving in the Church. Wade has been an Elders Quorum president twice, Young Men president, Priest Quorum advisor and executive secretary for two bishops. He has also been a scoutmaster, bishop's counselor, stake high counsel, and stake YM presidency.  Recently he was bishop of the Lodi 2nd Ward until the Lodi wards were consolidated.
He is currently Assistant Area Auditor for Sacramento Coordinating Council.
   Ann has also had a variety of callings in the church: primary counselor and president, Young Women counselor and president, seminary teacher, Relief Society counselor, stake RS secretary and counselor in the stake Primary.  In addition her talent for playing the piano and organ has been an ongoing part of her church service.
    Recently Wade has volunteered once a week in the Family History Center.  Ann has served as a temple ordinance worker in the Sacramento California temple for ten years, and was joined by Wade after he retired from General Mills.  They are well prepared to service a mission and will be an amazing asset to the Spanish ward in Charlotte, North Carolina.  We wish them well.

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