Tuesday, February 25, 2020

"Days for Girls" -- A Project of Great Significance

     Above is a picture from the "Days for Girls" website illustrating girls in countries where they previously had no access to menstrual care solutions, and now they do! They can now face the world with dignity, health, and opportunity.

    Lodi stake is involved with other stakes to provide women around the world with safe, beautiful, washable, and long lasting alternatives they can count on month after month--along with vital health education. Our stake is beginning a project that will last through September to create at least 500 menstrual kits .  Above are pictured two sisters from Mokelumne River Ward who are in stake positions and working to organize the wards for this project;  Center: Cathy Leonard, Stake RS Secretary, and Right: Ruth Anderson, Stake RS President.

       These are some of the sisters in the ward who participated in a Saturday four-hour event to complete as much as possible.  The kits involve 16 different parts, so it is not a task that can be completed in a few minutes. Young Women as well as Relief Society sisters are involved. Many more events will happen, and sisters can also take work home. The goal is to make a sustainable solution that will shatter stigmas and limitations for all women and girls.  A very noble project.  We will be writing more about this as the project progresses.

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