Monday, August 24, 2020

Mission President D.W. Zimmerman gives R.S. Fireside


 California Sacramento mission president began his fireside by saying his loves his missionaries.  He loves the scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Because of this, it is easy to be a mission president.

    He presented some "simple gospel principles that God wants to share with us." He emphasized that the gathering of Israel is the greatest and most important thing taking place on earth today.  He encouraged us to follow the counsel Elder Ballard gave in a 1984 talk:  Set a date!  This means to set a date when we will have someone ready to accept the Gospel.  We don't need to know who that person is, but promised blessings will flow into our lives if we do this. 

   After his presentation, Relief Society PresidentLisa Clegg encouraged all of us to set a date.

Some of those present on the Zoom Fireside were President Lisa Clegg, upper left; Judy Wilcox, upper right; Ward missionaries Sister Brandley and Sister Peapealalo, lower left; and Bishop Eric Holden.