Thursday, July 30, 2020

Relief Society Sisters Learn About Nutrition

   Cyndie Parker gave a Monday morning virtual class on how to lose weight and have a nutritious diet.  Here are some of the tips she gave during the presentation.
  •  Measure food for a short period of time, then in the future you will know what that amount looks like.
  • Instead of counting what you should eat less of, count what you should eat  more of.  Positive thoughts!
  • Count macros, protein, carbohydrates, and fat.  These are in every  food you eat.
  • Tips when eating:  Use smaller dinnerware, including serving spoon. Drink water first, then you will likely eat smaller portions throughout the meal.  Eat slowly.  It takes 20 minutes for the brain to catch up with eating.
  • At restaurants ask for only half a portion, and put the other half in a container to take home.
  • Don't eat straight from the bag with such things as popcorn and chips.  Take out and put in a smaller bowl.  Don't keep open bags near you.
  • Keep a picture diary of food intake.  Those who keep track, tend to eat less.

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