Sunday, July 19, 2020

Relief Society Presidency Communicates with Sisters

Top: Relief Society President Lisa Clegg welcoming sisters to the
Zoom meeting.  Below ward missionaries
Sister Peapealalo and Sister Brandley participate in meeting.
    On July 16, our Relief Society presidency held a special meeting via Zoom to let their sisters know they were loved.  BriAnn Congrave and Bronwyn Webb offered prayers.  President Lisa Clegg welcomed the group and told them she knows the Lord aligns with us and cares for us.  "We need to "Hear Him," she said, "as we prepare for His return- at the 2nd coming."  As an exercise she asked sisters to close their eyes and remember a time when they  really felt His love.  "Then remember," she said, "that His love for us is 10 times more than that."
    Suzanne Fairbanks referenced D&C 112:24 on the importance of the Gathering of Israel even in difficult times.  She told the story of how her mother was sitting in a park when a young woman approached her and started talking about the church, which lead to her joining the Church. Then  an aunt joined, then her father, etc. She pointed out that "there are people who are waiting to hear about the church and the love Christ has for us."
    Our sister missionaries, Sister Peapealalo and Sister Brandley related how they have found much success while serving, even in a time of quarantine.  They receive huge blessings by praying and preparing themselves for the day.  They are so happy and have so much joy.  People are approaching them wanting to know why they are so happy and that opens up a discussion of them knowing that the Lord loves them.
    The missionaries referenced a talk by President Russell Nelson last April.  He said, "We are to seek in every way we can to hear Jesus Christ, who speaks to us through the power and ministering of the Holy Ghost."
   Bishop Eric Holden concluded the meeting by saying we're in a difficult time for reaching others.  We need to be in touch not only with those we are assigned to minister to, but anyone who comes to mind that we haven't been in touch with lately.  He asked us to make sure we are preparing for our own family's needs with spirituality in the home. "Read and discuss the Come Follow Me lessons; keep connected with Heavenly Father.
   The bishop loves us and hopes everyone is doing well.

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