Thursday, July 30, 2020

Bishopric Answers Questions from Primary Children


     Primary children had a fun virtual experience on Sunday evening with the bishopric who answered questions that children had submitted ahead of time.  Some questions were also submitted by members of the presidency. Primary president Ginny Shull emceed it, with her counselors helping with the questions.  The first question was for the bishop:  What does a snowman eat for dinner?  The bishop had not only one answer, but three!  After that things turned more serious.

     Here is the virtual bishopric that day and a sample question and answer from each.
Bishop Holden:  Why did God make us?  So we can come to earth and learn to like Him.
Brother Burton:  If you could have one super hero, who would it be?  Superman
Brother Stringer:  What is your favorite way to find peace?  To go out in nature and feel Heavenly Father's presence and love.  Say a prayer of thanks.
One boy asked the question: I love you.  Hey, that's not a question, but it was sweet.

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