Sunday, July 12, 2020

Stake Presidency Offers Love and Counsel During Pandemic

Lodi CA Stake Presidency:  R to L Dan Sroufe, Scott Means, Jared Chritchfield

   Our stake presidency is concerned for all of us during a very trying time dealing with the long months of a virus pandemic.  This is their love and counsel.
  Brothers and Sisters of the Lodi Stake,
   The scriptures exhort us to remember. To ponder in our hearts “how merciful the Lord hath been to the children of men”, from the beginning until now. To not forget “what great things that the Lord hath done for us”. To “always remember Him”.
  When we remember, when we ponder, when we turn our hearts to God, we prepare ourselves to listen. We prepare to “Hear Him”.
    Consider how the Lord has blessed, counseled and prepared His Church for these times, and times to come. Consider how he has blessed and sustained you, now and throughout your life. We have much to be grateful for. 
    As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints we believe in personal revelation. We believe that Heavenly Father can and will speak to us through the Holy Ghost when we seek Him.
   “Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, at it shall be opened unto you” Matthew 7:7
   When we ask questions we open our hearts and minds to receive. Questions like: 
-       What am I being directed to do by the Spirit at this time?
-       What can I do to “Hear Him” more frequently?
-       How can I continue to be part of the building of the Kingdom of God and the work of salvation, today?
-       What would the Lord have me learn during these adjustments?
-       What adjustments would he have me personally make moving forward?
-       How can I emulate the Saviors example?
-       Who can I strive to serve and assist today?

    These and similar questions prepare us to receive revelation. If we are striving to “Hear Him” we may need to consider, "what am I asking to receive?"
    In preparation to meet together again we are monitoring local and state updates related to health conditions and guidelines. There are many factors that impact a plan to resume some type of meeting schedule. Due to the recent increase in cases of Covid-19 in our state and region, we are not planning on holding meetings in July. We are hopeful to be able to return soon but will continue to be cautious and prudent in deciding to meet. 
     When a date to resume in person Sacrament meetings is announced it will be important for each individual and family to rely on personal revelation, as the decision to attend will be up to each individual and family.  
In order to reopen, we will need to follow all state and local public health directives.  All members who attend will need to comply with these state and Church guidelines. Members who are not completely comfortable attending or that are in a category of higher risk for Covid-19 (including age) should feel no obligation to attend. The Sacrament will continue to be administered in the home per the Bishop’s authorization.
     We are grateful for the strength of the Lodi Stake! The strength of the Stake lies in the spiritual strength of the members of the Stake. We know that the last few months have been difficult and trying for everyone to one extent or another; and for some more so than others. Each of us has a unique set of circumstances. The challenges we each face during this time can be the catalyst for increased spiritual strength. As we strive together to follow the Savior we will strengthen one another.
Lodi CA Stake Presidency
Scott Means
Dan Sroufe
Jared Critchfield

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