Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Full Time Missionaries Begin Their Return to Service

   Full time  missionaries from the ward who were sent home due to the worldwide pandemic of the COVID-19 virus are gradually being sent out to complete their missions in other locations.
    Sister Alysabeth Webb who was in the Chile Rancagua Mission and has been home for a couple of months has left for her new mission in Pocatello, Idaho. 
     This is a picture of Alysabeth and her mother Bronwyn Webb at the airport when she left for her new location.  Her mother said, "I'm so proud of this girls of mine and know she will touch many hearts!"           

  Elder Jackson VerSteeg began work in the Brazil Belem Mission, and was really enjoying his work.  He has now been assigned to the Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Mission speaking Portuguese, and says "I can't wait to see what Pennsylvania holds in store for me!"  A new mission president has just arrived there and Elder VerSteeg found out that his MTC companion who also served in Belem with him has also been reassigned to the Pittsburgh mission.  It sounds like he is getting a good start to his new mission. 
             This is a picture of Elder VerSteeg just before he left for Pennsylvania.

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