Sunday, October 18, 2020

Serena Allen Called to Serve Fulltime Mission

    Serena Allen, daughter of Adam and Mecarla Allen has just received her call to serve a mission in the Louisville, Kentucky mission. Sister Allen said she had been struggling in High School with a variety of things and decided she needed to come to church more often.  She reached out to the sister missionaries and went to teach a lesson with them.  At 17-years-old Serena "just knew" that she needed to serve a mission.  She will begin at Home MTC (due to the COVID-19 virus) on November 18, and will leave for her  mission in Kentucky on December 8.


Left picture: Serena is standing with her grandmother, Susan and grandfather, Lawrence.  Her grandparents have offered to pay for half of her mission.  Right picture:  Serena with her mother.

A Need to See Each Other!

   Above: Our Relief Society presidency, Suzanne Fairbanks, Lisa Clegg, and Tammy Woods, finish setting up the table of drinks and desserts for a long overdue get together for sisters  in the ward.  Sister Clegg said that people needed to get together.  "They needed to see each other."

Since the COVID-19 virus is still prevailing in the world, precautions were taken.  Sisters were asked to bring their own dinner, wear a mask, and obey social distancing. The event was held in Ann Grether's backyard and all the chairs and tables were sanitized.   Lisa works on cleaning a chair while holding a handful of plastic eating utensils. 

Introducing our new missionary
    Attending the get-together were our sister missionaries:  Sister Brandley (left) and Sister Nicoll who has just arrived to work in our ward.  She is from Lehi, Utah and has been in the mission field for 16 months.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Max Young Baptized by His Father

    Max Young celebrated his 8th birthday by choosing to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints. He  and his family traveled to Utah for the baptism and had friends and relatives  come from Northern Idaho, Southern Utah, and Texas.  Max was baptized and confirmed by his father Steven Young.
    Max poses with his family in the picture on the right.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Zoom Fast and Testimony Meeting Worked Perfectly

   October's fast and testimony meeting was held the last weekend in September due to general conference being on the first Sunday in October.  We haven't had such a meeting since the beginning of the COVID-19 virus back in February.  Bishop Holden (left) felt inspired to have a Zoom meeting.  Since there would likely be a lot of people attending, he felt it would be difficult to keep track of everyone who wanted to bear a testimony.  Therefore he called a few people ahead of time and asked them if they would like to bear their testimonies. Each person then responded from their own home when called upon by the bishop. Jackie Perry (right) was one of them.  All the testimonies were inspiring and it was a very spiritual meeting.

   The meeting started with a recorded hymn and opening prayer.  Then the bishop allowed 15 minutes of quiet so people at home could administer to, and pass the sacrament. Our ward has done a good job of finding creative ways to worship even though we can't meet together.