Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Need to See Each Other!

   Above: Our Relief Society presidency, Suzanne Fairbanks, Lisa Clegg, and Tammy Woods, finish setting up the table of drinks and desserts for a long overdue get together for sisters  in the ward.  Sister Clegg said that people needed to get together.  "They needed to see each other."

Since the COVID-19 virus is still prevailing in the world, precautions were taken.  Sisters were asked to bring their own dinner, wear a mask, and obey social distancing. The event was held in Ann Grether's backyard and all the chairs and tables were sanitized.   Lisa works on cleaning a chair while holding a handful of plastic eating utensils. 

Introducing our new missionary
    Attending the get-together were our sister missionaries:  Sister Brandley (left) and Sister Nicoll who has just arrived to work in our ward.  She is from Lehi, Utah and has been in the mission field for 16 months.


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