Sunday, October 18, 2020

Serena Allen Called to Serve Fulltime Mission

    Serena Allen, daughter of Adam and Mecarla Allen has just received her call to serve a mission in the Louisville, Kentucky mission. Sister Allen said she had been struggling in High School with a variety of things and decided she needed to come to church more often.  She reached out to the sister missionaries and went to teach a lesson with them.  At 17-years-old Serena "just knew" that she needed to serve a mission.  She will begin at Home MTC (due to the COVID-19 virus) on November 18, and will leave for her  mission in Kentucky on December 8.


Left picture: Serena is standing with her grandmother, Susan and grandfather, Lawrence.  Her grandparents have offered to pay for half of her mission.  Right picture:  Serena with her mother.

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