Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Many Good Deeds Go Unknown

      There are some callings in the ward that are very time consuming, but they're not done in the chapel or classroom.  Here are two sisters who fall into this definition of service and we would like to tell you about them, then continue to add others throughout the year.

Ardell Gillingwater:  Ardell is the Service Coordinator for the Relief Society.  She has several sisters who work under her.  One of them sends cards and remembrances for a sister's birthday or a family who has a new baby. Others make sure the poor and the sick have meals when needed. Some help when there is some physical work needing to be done. Another works with Ardell to help those who are disabled or ill.  It may be taking them to the doctor, or hospital, making sure medicines are taken on the correct schedule, finding help they may need to get back to a normal pain-free life. They cheer up those in need, home bound, or depressed.  

Joyce Dickerson: Her husband passed away several years ago and Joyce fills her life with all kinds of activities.  She likes to sew so decided to make blankets for new babies. She watches for sales of material and buys enough for five or six blankets at a time. Hobby Lobby is one of her favorite stores for fabric bargains. Joyce keeps awake in the evenings by crocheting warm little hats for the babies. She can make two in an evening. She said she does this because "It makes me feel good!" She says it comes from her heart--not to make fame.  She said God blessed her a lot. He allowed her to make extra money. "It's also an education" she said "because I have to use my brain most of the time to figure out how to do things!"

Here are two babies enjoying the talent of Joyce.  On the left is Cruz Haggard.  On the right is Delilah Rae Blackwell.

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