Saturday, April 22, 2023

Three Beautiful New Babies!

   New baby Cruz Haggard with parents Lucero and Matt. Cruz was born October 13, 2022.

   The Simmons family welcomed beautiful little Rozlyn into their home on April 6, 2023.  Her mom Rebecca reports that she is a good sleeper and often has the hic-ups. Rebecca and Trent are a bonded family and Rozlyn is the first they have had together. They plan to have all the children sealed to them later this year. 
   Zachary and Megan Blackwell welcomed their daughter Delilah Rae Blackwell into their home on March 30, 2023.  In the pictures with her parents Delilah Rae is enjoying the blanket and cap made by Joyce Dickerson, a sweet ward member who does this as a service project. 

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