Saturday, June 23, 2018

Five Wonderful Seniors Graduate from Seminary

Graduates from L to R:  Even Webb, Alysa Webb, Matt Cooper (superimposed over teacher Teresa Sroufe,) Sierra Stewart, and Lindsay Robison
    Sister Teresa Sroufe is an amazing seminary teacher and loves her calling as a teacher for the older students in our stake.  "I love working with the kids, and listening to their testimonies grow," Teresa said. "I loved learning from their great insight. How they put the scriptures to work in their lives is amazing."
  During the year seminary students read the entire Book of Mormon. One of their favorite chapters was 3rd Nephi.  It is also Teresa's favorite. "It is so true and brings the light of Christ easily into your life to empower your testimony."  She said it has strengthened her and had great application in her life.
   At our request, Teresa made a comment about each of the graduating students from our ward.
EVAN WEBB:  Observing him in fall 2017 when his greatest concern was where he was going to play baseball, to now where his priority is serving his Savior, has been a great joy.  The transformation has been wonderful to witness and to feel his joy and enthusiasm!

ALYSA WEBB: She will take the world by storm and share her love of the Gospel wherever she goes!  It has been and will be amazing to see her reach out to those she sees that need prayers, and help in any way.

LINDSAY ROBISON:  I have learned from her through her sensitivity to receiving answers for herself through study, prayer and feeling the Holy Ghost in her life.  She is amazing!  She will touch many lives with her talents and capabilities.

SIERRA STEWART: This young woman has turned to the Savior and the scriptures to overcome major challenges in her life.  She is watched over, led and protected in very special ways because she makes amazing choices.  Her "sphere of influence" is blessed to have her in it.

MATT COOPER:  When you finally get the words to come out, he can teach all those around him of the scriptures, and the Holy Ghost being active participants in our lives through his experiences he shared.  He will be another amazing missionary in the near future.

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