Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Joseph Stringer Called as Second Counselor in Bishopric

L to R:  First Counselor Tyler Burton, Bishop Eric Holden, Second Counselor Joseph Stringer
    When the Church recently combined the Elder's and High Priest's quorums, the leaders of those groups were released and a new presidency was formed.  The Elder's Quorum President is Don Daley who has been serving as the second counselor in the bishopric.  Joseph Stringer has been called to take his place and serve in the bishopric. 
   Brother Stringer said this about his new calling:  I feel very humbled and honored to serve the Mokelumne River Ward members because the nature of this calling in its true form is "service." Since I’ve been called I’ve met a lot of members that I haven't been introduced to before and these have been great experiences for me.  I love this new calling as it allows me to be there for members whenever they ask.  My goals for the ward are simple.  I would like to echo the Prophet Russell M. Nelson’s counsel to "stay on the covenant path," for as we do, all will be well with each individual.  Our Ward is truly blessed by its members who are dedicated and magnify their callings each day.   

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