Wednesday, June 6, 2018

FHC Honors Dedicated Computer Specialist

Tom Robison

At home in the Family History Center
    Tom is a non-member who has been working hard for many years in an ongoing job to keep the Lodi Family History Center's PCs up and running--as well as updated.  He served a weekly shift in the center, in addition to all the hours needed to keep the computers going.  He has worked to help clean up and organize the FHC.  At one point he donated a whole new set of computers. Since then he has worked TWICE to change out to newer computers from Salt Lake.  In addition, he hooked up two scanners and did training for staff and patrons on how to scan. Tom has played a vital role in making the FHC what it is today.

   Led by Cathy Leonard, several Mokelumne River Ward members worked together to honor him at a delicious gourmet dinner.   After the dinner Cathy expressed thanks from all the attendees, followed by President Joseph Anderson also thanking Tom and giving a history of the Lodi Center. He was presented with a 16x20 print of his portrait (see first picture) taken by Ann Kerr during a photo shoot several weeks before the event.  Following the dinner everyone took a tour of the FHC which has just recently been newly carpeted and rearranged.  It looks beautiful.  Cathy says it has the feel of a temple, and is the beginning of the work performed there.

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