Saturday, May 19, 2018

Aaronic Priesthood Restoration Celebrated at Outdoor Event

   In commemoration of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood on May 15, 1829, an evening of enjoyable camaraderie was had at Mark and Vicki Kidd's home by men and boys of the Mokelumne River Ward.
   Opening and closing prayers bookended a rousing song "Called to Serve" directed by Evan Webb, a spiritual thought by Joseph Stringer; and a lot of fun fellowshipping by all.
   The young and middle-aged kids had fun swimming, throwing the football, swinging, playing basketball, and just enjoying one another's company. Lots of great food topped off the evening.
New Mokelumne River Ward Elders' Quorum Presidency.  R to L: Don Daley, President; Adam Sroufe, First Counselor; and Eric Fairbanks, Secretary.  Not pictured: Neil Anderson, Second Counselor.
   Bishop Holden and President Daley both expressed feelings of gratitude for this opportunity to come together as a new ward and to get to know each other better.  Thanks were expressed to all who made this wonderful evening possible.

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