Sunday, May 6, 2018

Travis and Cathy Leonard Enjoy "Ministering" in Palo Alto

   When Travis and Cathy saw a need, they stepped in to fill it. Cindy and Glenn Franks live in the Vintage Ward.  Cindy and Cathy both work in the Family History Center, so the Leonards were aware that Glenn had had a double lung transplant at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto.  After the surgery he was required to live in the city for 90 days to have close contact with the doctors, necessary tests, help with an emergency, etc.
   After a few weeks of them being confined to an apartment, Cathy saw that Cindy needed a break to come back to Lodi, get some rest, and take care of things at home.  So she and Travis volunteered to go to Palo Alto and stay with Glenn for a few days.  They enjoyed their stay, and the Franks were very appreciative of it.  This is what ministering is all about.
Left:  Travis makes some soup for lunch. He also took Glenn to the hospital when he needed tests.
Right:  Cathy spends some time giving Glenn a few family history tips.

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