Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ward Historians Explain Importance of Keeping A History

   Bishop Eric Holden asked ward historians, Cliff and Ann Kerr, to use the fifth Sunday in April to educate and inform members about the importance of keeping a ward history.  The Kerrs were trained by Ward Andrus who is the Area History Specialist.
   Brother Andrus explained that ward histories (1) Bring members closer to Christ, (2) Document continually the history of the Church, and (3) Present leaders and missionaries with an opportunity to reflect on the work they are doing. The slide in the picture above explains how the ward history consisting of words and images is saved as a .pdf file and sent to church headquarters in SLC on a flash drive.
   Bishop Holden wanted to bring the ward history to another level, one that would unite the ward, help members have an appreciation for each other, grow in spirituality and in particular enhance missionary and family history work. Thus it was decided to have a blog containing the stories that were going to be sent to Salt Lake.  That way everyone could be up-to-date on what's happening in the ward, and enjoy the experiences and testimonies of others.

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