Sunday, May 6, 2018

Elders Quorum Works to Ready Guy Condor's House for Sale

  Guy Condor recently passed away (see previous blog post) and Kitty Tippets, who cared for him before his death, needed some help cleaning up the house and garden so the house could be sold.  Cliff Kerr called new Elder's Quorum President Don Daley and he took it from there.
   Several of the Elders responded and Don brought his son Owen to help as well. The basement was cleaned of very old food storage, some dating back to 1979.  Old weeds and fallen fruit were removed from the back yard. "Shade from the lemon, cherries, and grapefruit trees, along with beautiful poppies made a pleasant scene," Cliff observed. "We all worked hard and in the process gained a better appreciation of each other."
Piling up a truck load of garbage to take to the dump are Owen Daley, Stephen Parker, and Don Daley.

Left picture: Brad Parker
Right picture: Ted, Goodsell, Owen Daley, Tyler Burton, and Don Daley.
 Not pictured: Kitty Tippets and Cliff Kerr (who is taking the pictures.)

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