Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Missionary Changes in Mokelumne River Ward

 Sister Peapealola (left) and Sister Bradley enjoy their last Sunday together in Lodi.  Sister Peapealola will be serving in a Polynesian ward in Sacramento (where she has served before) and is being replaced by Sister Durfee (below.)  She is from Denver Colorado.

Sister Brandley and Sister Dunfee  pose for a selfie.  Sister Durfee has been in the mission field for 17 months, so her mission is near completion.  She had this to say about completing her mission here:
I've had three companions come from this ward: Sister Guymon, Sister Ballantyne, and Sister Ball.  They all said great things about this ward,  so I was so excited to  come to meet the members and friends here!  I'm super excited to see the miracles the Lord has in store for the  Mokelumne River ward.  Everyone that I've met so far has been so welcoming and kind!  Thank you so much for everyone's sweet spirit!

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