Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tammy Woods Joins Relief Society Presidency

    Sister Tammy Woods has been called as a counselor in the Mokelumne Ward Relief Society presidency.  She replaces BrieAnn Congrave who was released as second counselor. Tammy said this was her first time serving in a Relief Society leadership calling.  "I am excited to work with a wonderful group of ladies and I look forward to getting to know the sisters in our ward," she said. Her assignments include overseeing compassionate service, young adults, and a portion of ministering.

   Tammy began service right away when she accompanied the presidency to welcome Saane Boyer (who was recently married to Brendt Boyer) into the ward with a bouquet of flowers.  Pictured from left to right are Suzanne Fairbanks, First Counselor; Bronwyn Webb, Secretary; Saane Boyer; Lisa Clegg, President; and Tammy Woods, Second Counselor.

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