Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Sister Missionaries Teach Through Social Media

   Since Covid-19 has extremely hampered our ability to meet together, full time missionaries have had to invent more ways to communicate through social media.  Elder Uchtdorf recently gave a virtual talk for an MTC devotional broadcast. He said that innovations like smartphones and social media are unexpected advances that can provide inspired means to share the Lord's gospel in normal and natural ways.  Elder Uchtdorf recalled President Spencer Kimball's April 1974 address on missionary work, "When the World Will be Converted."  The late Church president called for "better and additional methods of approaches" for missionaries, saying "I believe the Lord is anxious to put into our hands inventions of which we laymen have hardly had a glimpse."
   President Uchtdorf said, President Kimball "envisioned a day when missionaries could be supplied with handheld devices that would help them teach the gospel." Fifty years ago, he was thinking of small recording devices, but the Lord had much bigger plans, recognizing what is possible today. He also commented that the recent pandemic may have been a "divine reset" that could help us recalibrate our efforts to reach more people--and especially a younger audience.

Our Sister missionaries are doing a great job.  Sister Peapealalo shared on Facebook a personal experience with the Savior softening her heart. She had a picture of the Savior the whole time and it was very touching.  As of this writing it has been viewed over 3,000 times.

Her companion Sister Brandley is an artist.  She used her talent to offer a free Book of Mormon.  She did a speed version of her painting a scene from the New Testament on the front of the book.

These pictures show Sister Brandley working on the book, and the picture below shows the finished front of the book. She ran a contest on Facebook and offered the book as a prize.

    Members can help the missionaries by seeing their post in their news feed, liking them, commenting on them, and sharing them on their personal profile, or sharing them through Messenger if they think they can help any of their friends.  The missionaries said that "the more people follow these pages and engage with their posts, the more other people are likely to see the posts and learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ."

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