Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tyler Daley Receives Mission Call

        Tyler Daley, son of Don and Cori Dailey, will soon be known as Elder Daley and will be off to the MTC March 3 to prepare for his service in the Missouri St. Louis Mission. 
     When a potential missionary learns where he will be going on his mission the call is sent digitally and the letter from President Nelson is read on a computer.  Tyler wanted to have the more traditional experience so Brother Adam Sroufe was given permission to open the email and make a paper copy of the mission call, which he did.  In the picture on the left, Tyler had opened the envelope and is reading the letter to a group of friends and family who were gathered for the occasion. In the picture on the right, two of  Tyler's best friends Bryce Farley and James Boyer pose with him after the reading.  Others present were his parents and siblings, grandparents and two aunts and uncles.
    Elder Daley says is so excited about his call to St. Louis and isn't nervous at all.  Whether he will actually be going to Provo, or doing a computer-MTC, will be determined by the state of the COVID-19 virus in March.  Either way, the MTC will be a great experience.  We wish Tyler a successful mission and look forward to sharing his experiences.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Ward Singers Participate in Stake "12 Days of Christmas"

     Lodi California stake produced a delightful and spiritual event for the Christmas season.  In each of the 12 days before Christmas various members of the stake participated in a short video consisting of Christmas songs and a spiritual message.

On the 9th day of  Christmas Teresa Sroufe (right) gave a wonderful spiritual rendition of the ways she knows Christ.  Berny Moreau sang a solo of "Silent Night" on the 12th day of Christmas and it was beautifully performed.

On the 10th day of  Christmas the women of the Skip and Julie McGhie family sang "We Three Kings of Orient Are" and "What Child is This."  Their oldest daughter Samantha accompanied on the guitar while her four sisters and mom joined in the beautiful Christmas songs.

Monday, December 7, 2020

One Man's Story: Administering the Sacrament is a Blessing

      There have been two time periods during the COVID-19 pandemic when it was necessary for members to not go the church building at all, but to study at home and use the “Come Follow Me” materials that we have been given for our lessons.  Sacrament meeting began to be held over Zoom and families were permitted to have the actual sacrament in their own homes if there was a Priesthood holder there to administer and pass it.

   Priesthood holders in the ward were assigned single women to bless their lives with the opportunity to partake of the sacrament in their homes. It didn’t need to be done every week, but once a month was approved.

   Priscilla Quanstrom is a widow living alone and very active in the church but has no family who can administer the sacrament for her.  The Elders Quorum assigned Curtis Weight, who lives near Priscilla, to perform that ordinance for her once a month.  Priscilla however, wanted to have the sacrament every week. No problem.  Curtis was willing. Sometimes he used a skateboard to get to her house.  Sometimes he rode a bike, and sometimes he walked just for the exercise.

  Making cakes, cookies, and various kinds of breads is one of Priscilla’s talents. It was just a natural thing that (as she said) they “broke bread together” before the sacrament.  “He is a true ministering angel,” she said.  “He wants to know how I’m doing and what I need."    

   Brother Weight also administers the Sacrament to Betty Kirschenmann who lives nearby.  Like Priscilla, she wanted to have the Sacrament every week. She gives him gifts of flowers and fruit when he comes.  She loves to have a conversation about all kinds of things.   Curtis says she has “100 years of wisdom!” 

   About his calling to serve these sisters he says, “I feel like I’m winning. It’s like the Lord gave me several extra moms.”

Note:  Tammy Woods happened to be at Betty's home  when Curtis came and she snapped this picture.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Special Baptism for Kamille Broughton

 Because we've been asked not to use the buildings for meetings, Brother Riley Broughton baptized his 8-year-old daughter Kamille Saturday, December 5 in a friend's heated spa.  "It was a unique experience for both of us, as well as family and friends,"  he said, "as we briefly met together outside for the baptismal service."  Kamille was confirmed poolside by her father.  Bishop Holden presided and conducted.  Below is a copy of her program.

Holiday Messages from our Bishopric

  The Christmas season is upon us and the  COVID-19 pandemic is still with us. We are not able to meet together.  One of the ways our leaders communicate with us is through emails.  This is one message from the bishopric:

  Dear Brothers and Sisters: As we enter the season of giving and reflect on the birth of our Savior, we would like to invite each of you this Sunday to participate in a special ward fast.  First, we want to pray and fast for the missionaries and their efforts to bring additional families to Christ, along with asking for opportunities that you can find to share the gospel with friends, family members or neighbors this month.  The Christmas holiday tends to soften the hearts of those around us and creates a season of giving.  What better gift than that of the Gospel? Please ponder in your minds this week about someone that might be receptive to an invitation to speak with the missionaries, and during your fast, pray for the opportunity and guidance to invite them.  As you do, the Lord will bless you with the help you need to make these invitations. 

    We appreciate all that you do during these difficult times and want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas.  Sincerely, Bishop Holden, Tyler Burton and Joseph Stringer.

                  Bishop Holden also sent ward members a special greeting:

"Moments With The Missionaries"

  Our amazing sister missionaries, Sister Nicoll and Sister Caldon, came up with an idea to bring a little joy and learning into our lives once a week.  On Wednesday nights for several weeks they are going to give a 15-minute "Zoom" presentation.  Their first one was about the importance of light in our lives. They asked their audience to open their scriptures and read with them from Matthew 5: 14-16.  " Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, ad glorify your Father which is in heaven."

    Here are some screenshots for their enlightening (yes, they used lots of LIGHTS) presentation. Viewers were invited to participate. They pointed out that a unique light comes from each of us, and we can make beautiful light together. Light can come from our eyes even if part of our face is covered with a mask during the pandemic.