Monday, December 7, 2020

One Man's Story: Administering the Sacrament is a Blessing

      There have been two time periods during the COVID-19 pandemic when it was necessary for members to not go the church building at all, but to study at home and use the “Come Follow Me” materials that we have been given for our lessons.  Sacrament meeting began to be held over Zoom and families were permitted to have the actual sacrament in their own homes if there was a Priesthood holder there to administer and pass it.

   Priesthood holders in the ward were assigned single women to bless their lives with the opportunity to partake of the sacrament in their homes. It didn’t need to be done every week, but once a month was approved.

   Priscilla Quanstrom is a widow living alone and very active in the church but has no family who can administer the sacrament for her.  The Elders Quorum assigned Curtis Weight, who lives near Priscilla, to perform that ordinance for her once a month.  Priscilla however, wanted to have the sacrament every week. No problem.  Curtis was willing. Sometimes he used a skateboard to get to her house.  Sometimes he rode a bike, and sometimes he walked just for the exercise.

  Making cakes, cookies, and various kinds of breads is one of Priscilla’s talents. It was just a natural thing that (as she said) they “broke bread together” before the sacrament.  “He is a true ministering angel,” she said.  “He wants to know how I’m doing and what I need."    

   Brother Weight also administers the Sacrament to Betty Kirschenmann who lives nearby.  Like Priscilla, she wanted to have the Sacrament every week. She gives him gifts of flowers and fruit when he comes.  She loves to have a conversation about all kinds of things.   Curtis says she has “100 years of wisdom!” 

   About his calling to serve these sisters he says, “I feel like I’m winning. It’s like the Lord gave me several extra moms.”

Note:  Tammy Woods happened to be at Betty's home  when Curtis came and she snapped this picture.

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