Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tyler Daley Receives Mission Call

        Tyler Daley, son of Don and Cori Dailey, will soon be known as Elder Daley and will be off to the MTC March 3 to prepare for his service in the Missouri St. Louis Mission. 
     When a potential missionary learns where he will be going on his mission the call is sent digitally and the letter from President Nelson is read on a computer.  Tyler wanted to have the more traditional experience so Brother Adam Sroufe was given permission to open the email and make a paper copy of the mission call, which he did.  In the picture on the left, Tyler had opened the envelope and is reading the letter to a group of friends and family who were gathered for the occasion. In the picture on the right, two of  Tyler's best friends Bryce Farley and James Boyer pose with him after the reading.  Others present were his parents and siblings, grandparents and two aunts and uncles.
    Elder Daley says is so excited about his call to St. Louis and isn't nervous at all.  Whether he will actually be going to Provo, or doing a computer-MTC, will be determined by the state of the COVID-19 virus in March.  Either way, the MTC will be a great experience.  We wish Tyler a successful mission and look forward to sharing his experiences.

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