Sunday, December 6, 2020

Holiday Messages from our Bishopric

  The Christmas season is upon us and the  COVID-19 pandemic is still with us. We are not able to meet together.  One of the ways our leaders communicate with us is through emails.  This is one message from the bishopric:

  Dear Brothers and Sisters: As we enter the season of giving and reflect on the birth of our Savior, we would like to invite each of you this Sunday to participate in a special ward fast.  First, we want to pray and fast for the missionaries and their efforts to bring additional families to Christ, along with asking for opportunities that you can find to share the gospel with friends, family members or neighbors this month.  The Christmas holiday tends to soften the hearts of those around us and creates a season of giving.  What better gift than that of the Gospel? Please ponder in your minds this week about someone that might be receptive to an invitation to speak with the missionaries, and during your fast, pray for the opportunity and guidance to invite them.  As you do, the Lord will bless you with the help you need to make these invitations. 

    We appreciate all that you do during these difficult times and want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas.  Sincerely, Bishop Holden, Tyler Burton and Joseph Stringer.

                  Bishop Holden also sent ward members a special greeting:

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