Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Lyla Burke has first baptism of the new year!

    The COVID-19 pandemic is still going on in 2021, so we have to adapt to not being able to use the church building for these occasions. Baptisms must be held outdoors.  Ward members Brad and Cyndie Parker offered the hot tub in their swimming pool.  Lyla was baptized January 9, 2021 by her father Winston who said it was a cold day, but the hot tub came in handy for the event.  A small gathering of a few family members and close friends bundled up to attend Lyla's baptism. Below Lyla poses with her parents Kaela and Winston Burke before her baptism. The picture on the lower right shows what it's like to come out of warm water on a cold day.  Someday Lyla will be able to tell her children about her unusual baptism.  Her parents said they were "So excited for this great step in Lyla's life."

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