Saturday, January 23, 2021

COVID-19 Prompted a New Way of Participating in Sunday School

    Several general authorities have suggested that the new things we've had to do because of the  COVID-19 pandemic may turn out to be better than what we did before and maybe we would even continue to use these things after the virus is no longer with us. Adult Sunday School teacher Vicki Anderson laid out a beautiful lesson from the Doctrine and Covenants emphasizing "The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers."  We won't put all her beautiful pictures and text here, but the best thing about the lesson is how she asked several people to answer this question:

The answers were amazing and so meaningful to read.  Just asking the question in class wouldn't have given people time to contemplate it. Those listening may not remember, and may not even have heard them due to hearing problems and typical classroom distractions.  Following are the reactions to the important question Sis. Anderson asked.

A quote from President Dallin H.P Oaks reminded us that EACH of us can do SOMETHING!

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