Sunday, January 31, 2021

Making a Rainy Day Bright for a 98-year-old

   Betty Kirschenmann turned 98 this month and was SO surprised when ward sisters showed up at her home for a birthday party.  She is partially blind and sits in a wheel chair. All she could say was "Oh, my gosh!" over and over.  In the picture above is (L to R) Saane Boyer, Betty, Mary Ellen Myer, and Carol Medlin.

Ardell Gillingwater (in right picture with hand up) is the Relief Society Service Coordinator and was instrumental in planning this event.  On the left are other guests (L to R) Rita Caldwell, Lisa Clegg with her niece, and Tammy Woods.  Sisters' love for one another is shinning bright in Mokelumne River Ward, even on a very wet day.

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