Thursday, January 28, 2021

How to Meet New Move-ins During Pandemic

   We've had lots of new families move into the ward during the last year, but how can we meet them or even know who they are when COVID-19 has prevented us from getting together? Christy Mecham solved the problem.  She made a beautiful PowerPoint presentation to introduce us and tell us something about their  lives.  These are just seven of the nineteen new members.  We will be adding more in the future.

As well as the new families, Christy thoughtfully included eleven "old timers" with pictures and a special message from each of them to us and the newcomers.  The presentation also included pictures of Christ and three heart-warming videos from the General Relief Society of the church.

Another way the bishopric is helping us get to know new people is having them speak in Sacrament Meeting.  The first ones to do this were Madison and Todd Hess (above.)  It was a great way to meet them and look forward to when we can greet them in person at Church.


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