Monday, February 22, 2021

February 21, 2021 -- A Long Awaited Day!

    Above, two of the first people into the chapel for Sacrament meeting are the sister missionaries.  Why is this date so important?  Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the first time members have been able to meet together inside the chapel for almost a year.  

   Bishop Eric Holden showed the missionaries how to take temperatures.  Everyone who came into the building had to be wearing a mask and get his temperature taken.  They were also asked to  social distance inside the building, and not shake hands.  Singing was also prohibited, so as Teresa Sroufe played hymns on the organ, members followed along, silently reading the words from the hymn book.  This was high council Sunday and the excellent speakers were Sister Brenda Crossier from the stake Relief Society and Brother John Godi of the high council.  After the meeting the sacrament was blessed and served to all who were there. 

     If people didn't feel comfortable coming to a meeting where other people would be, they watched the meeting on Zoom from home.  All of the other meetings that day were also on Zoom.

    Here are a few pictures of people either coming to or leaving the building.  It was a wonderful sight to see so many eager people.  We are hoping that the end of COVID-19 is very near.


Friday, February 19, 2021

Acts of Kindness

   The Relief Society special activity for February was all about acts of kindness.  Christy Mecham who directs this activity sent out a note for sisters to send in pictures and/or just words about a service they have rendered during the month, or something that someone has done for them.  Quite a few people responded and it was a beautiful program presented in PowerPoint via Zoom.

  The program started with a Church-produced video by a nurse named Sherry (above) who told examples of helping hands she has encountered in her work.  She started her story by telling about her mother who had polio and how she learned about serving and gained a desire to be a nurse. She made the point that "we are the Lord's Helping Hands."

   Below is a rough conglomeration of some of the acts of kindness that were sent in by ward sisters. There were many more.

The program concluded with a PowerPoint made by Vickie Anderson entitled "The Effects of Kindness on our Mental Health."  When helping others, you help yourself.

Our Delightful Sister Missionaries

       Our sisters missionaries are so delightful!  It seems impossible for them to talk without smiling and throwing in a little giggle here and there.  On the left is Sister Caldon from Sanford, Colorado.  On the right is Hermana Flores Rendon from Phoenix, Arizona.  She is "Hermana" because she was originally called to the Santiago, Chile Mission, but was sent here first because of the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. 

        Between the two of them, as well as their priesthood leaders Brother Haynes and Fairbanks, they have come up with a spiritual lesson they give to families via Zoom.  First they call and ask if the family would like to have a lesson with them.  A date and time is set and they send the family the Zoom link to access the lesson.

The lesson is about the wonderful restoration of the Gospel in the latter days. They read the "Restoration Proclamation" and stopped here and there to ask a question and get the family's insight into a particular part of it.  Then they invite the family to pray and help find non-members they can teach about
this wonderful experience.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Amazing Ward Plans Come to Members Every Week

 Due to the size of all these weekly updates, they will not always be on the blog.  They are emailed to everyone in the ward who has provided an email address.  We just wanted to have a record of how well done and beautiful these pages are.  They are designed by Julie Cooper who is the bulletin coordinator as well as first counselor in the primary.

Missionary Update


Special Message to All Wards from Stake Presidency

Brothers and Sisters of the Lodi Stake,

We want all members of the Lodi Stake to have increased support from the church.  Therefore, in February each ward and branch in the Lodi Stake will begin holding virtual meetings for Relief Society, Elders Quorum, Primary and Sunday School, joining the youth classes already being held, as part of our Sunday schedule.  Meetings will be abbreviated to avoid holding meetings simultaneously and can still occur during a 2-hour time frame.  Each ward or branch will develop the schedule according to their needs and circumstances following these guidelines. Please be patient and understanding with ward leaders, teachers, and one another as we implement this expanded meeting schedule. 

We look forward to being back in our meetinghouses, gathering and worshiping together, and pray that time will come soon.  While many of the adjustments that have been made in our lives during this pandemic have been challenging, positive opportunities have also emerged.  There are opportunities to minister, to serve, to share, and to lift in ways and at times that may not have been considered prior.  As they received and understood impressions from the Holy Ghost with greater sensitivity, many members have gained new insights and perspectives that will continue to help them, and others, draw closer to Jesus Christ.

Although we would all prefer trials and difficulties of this pandemic to pass sooner rather than later, we are reminded that the purpose of mortality is to learn through all types of experiences and to become more like Jesus Christ in the process.  As we focus on the Savior and heed the prophetic call to “Come unto Christ,” our spirits will be lifted, our understanding increased, and our faith strengthened. As Elder Holland reminded us in October, our burdens will be lifted “by and by,” and we will each eventually see His arm revealed on our behalf.  (D&C 123:17)

We love each member of the Lodi Stake. We are so grateful for your faithfulness and for your wonderful examples. We have been strengthened by your testimonies of both word and action.  We testify that our Father in Heaven and our Savior, Jesus Christ, love us and will be with each of us during our difficulties.  As we strive to draw unto them more fully, we will feel their influence with more and greater abundance. 

With love, Scott Means, Dan Sroufe, Jared Critchfield

Lodi California Stake Presidency