Friday, February 19, 2021

Acts of Kindness

   The Relief Society special activity for February was all about acts of kindness.  Christy Mecham who directs this activity sent out a note for sisters to send in pictures and/or just words about a service they have rendered during the month, or something that someone has done for them.  Quite a few people responded and it was a beautiful program presented in PowerPoint via Zoom.

  The program started with a Church-produced video by a nurse named Sherry (above) who told examples of helping hands she has encountered in her work.  She started her story by telling about her mother who had polio and how she learned about serving and gained a desire to be a nurse. She made the point that "we are the Lord's Helping Hands."

   Below is a rough conglomeration of some of the acts of kindness that were sent in by ward sisters. There were many more.

The program concluded with a PowerPoint made by Vickie Anderson entitled "The Effects of Kindness on our Mental Health."  When helping others, you help yourself.

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