Friday, February 19, 2021

Our Delightful Sister Missionaries

       Our sisters missionaries are so delightful!  It seems impossible for them to talk without smiling and throwing in a little giggle here and there.  On the left is Sister Caldon from Sanford, Colorado.  On the right is Hermana Flores Rendon from Phoenix, Arizona.  She is "Hermana" because she was originally called to the Santiago, Chile Mission, but was sent here first because of the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. 

        Between the two of them, as well as their priesthood leaders Brother Haynes and Fairbanks, they have come up with a spiritual lesson they give to families via Zoom.  First they call and ask if the family would like to have a lesson with them.  A date and time is set and they send the family the Zoom link to access the lesson.

The lesson is about the wonderful restoration of the Gospel in the latter days. They read the "Restoration Proclamation" and stopped here and there to ask a question and get the family's insight into a particular part of it.  Then they invite the family to pray and help find non-members they can teach about
this wonderful experience.

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