Monday, February 22, 2021

February 21, 2021 -- A Long Awaited Day!

    Above, two of the first people into the chapel for Sacrament meeting are the sister missionaries.  Why is this date so important?  Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the first time members have been able to meet together inside the chapel for almost a year.  

   Bishop Eric Holden showed the missionaries how to take temperatures.  Everyone who came into the building had to be wearing a mask and get his temperature taken.  They were also asked to  social distance inside the building, and not shake hands.  Singing was also prohibited, so as Teresa Sroufe played hymns on the organ, members followed along, silently reading the words from the hymn book.  This was high council Sunday and the excellent speakers were Sister Brenda Crossier from the stake Relief Society and Brother John Godi of the high council.  After the meeting the sacrament was blessed and served to all who were there. 

     If people didn't feel comfortable coming to a meeting where other people would be, they watched the meeting on Zoom from home.  All of the other meetings that day were also on Zoom.

    Here are a few pictures of people either coming to or leaving the building.  It was a wonderful sight to see so many eager people.  We are hoping that the end of COVID-19 is very near.


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