Friday, March 19, 2021

Young Women Complete Service Project

     Twenty-five young women put on their masks and met in the cultural hall to put together kits and blankets needed by the Ronald McDonald House in Sacramento.  The purpose of the RM House is to improve the lives of sick children and their families.

    Lisa Holden, second counselor in the Mokelumne Ward Young Women, looked on the "Just Serve" website on the Internet to possibly find a project for the girls.  This turned out to be perfect. Word was put out to ward sisters to contribute needed items identified by the staff of Ronald McDonald.  Many items were collected and some people donated money to buy other things that were needed.

   The picture above shows the girls working to put the kits together.  Sister Holden said, "It was a huge success. The Young Women were awesome! We were completely done with the service project in 30 minutes."  The girls assembled 50 hygiene kits, 70 laundry kits, 25 grab & go food bags, and tied three fleece blankets.  The food bags included such things as fruit leather bars, milk, wrapped pastry, and protein items.

   Finding service projects  can be difficult during the COVID-19 pandemic with its many restrictions.  The girls enjoyed being of service. Sister Holden and her husband, Bishop Holden, delivered the bags and blankets to the Ronald McDonald House and said the staff there was surprised and thrilled by what was accomplished.

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