Saturday, March 20, 2021

Sisters Celebrate Relief Society's Birthday

    The celebration birthday party for the Relief Society is usually a highlight of the year.  Normally it consists of a formal dinner in the cultural hall with the Elders and High Priests cooking and serving.  There's always a nice program after.  But this is another COVID year and none of those things are possible.

   Ward RS activity director, Christy Mecham, came up with a great solution.  She planned a Zoom program that was all video previously recorded and put together on PowerPoint to be shown on the evening the normal celebration would be held.  Here is a brief outline of the program. 

     Spiritual messages were delivered by Sister Bronwyn Webb (left) and our sister missionaries, Hermana Flores Rendon and Sister Caldon.

Ann Kerr (left) gave a demonstration on how to make homemade bread and cinnamon rolls. Cindy Parker (center) showed how to make strawberry freezer jam, and her daughter Cayman (right) shows frozen rolls to use with her mom's freezer jam "because it's quick and easy" she says. Yum!

Young women, future Relief Society members, added a spiritual dimension with their beautiful singing.

    Cathy Leonard says the cinnamon rolls are extra delicious with cream cheese added to the frosting recipe.  Three sisters who have each been vaccinated for COVID decided to watch the celebration together.  They finished with a sweet treat in  the kitchen.

On the screen is Tami Woods, second counselor in the Relief Society, who gave some closing remarks and said the prayer.

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