Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Eric Fairbanks New Bishop's Counselor


      Sunday, March 21, Eric Fairbanks (left) was sustained as first counselor to Bishop Eric Holden and ordained to the office of High Priest.  He replaces Tyler Burton who is moving with his wife to Las Vegas. Brother Fairbanks and his wife Suzanne have three children. Suzanne is first counselor in Relief Society.    

   Brother Fairbanks was ward mission leader before being called to the Mokelumne River Ward bishopric. Previous callings he has held in his adult life are executive secretary, young men's president twice, and ward mission leader several times.  When asked how he felt when he was called to the bishopric he said "shocked and overwhelmed! But I know that my family will be blessed for it," he added.

    When Bishop Holden announced in Sacrament meeting that Brother Fairbanks would be his new counselor, he said he had prayed about who the counselor should be and it was very clear who Heavenly Father wanted it to be.  As first counselor, Brother Fairbanks will be over the Teacher's Quorum, Primary, and parts of Relief Society and Young Women.

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