Sunday, August 8, 2021

Alysabeth Ann Webb Returns from Mission

    Alysabeth Ann Webb left for her mission to Ranacagua, Chile 18 months ago.  She was only there 2 and 1/2 weeks when COVID struck Chile and she was returned to the USA and placed in the Idaho Pocatello Mission where she served 10 months until she was able to go back to Chile where she spent much of her time in quarantine. She still had some good experiences and says that "God has a plan for all of us."

   While on her mission her parents moved to Utah, but she returned here for her homecoming.  Her brother Evan is also a returned missionary now going to school at BYU Hawaii.  Before Sister Webb's talk in Sacrament meeting the two of them sang "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" together.  Both are excellent singers.  Alysabeth plans to continue her education at Utah State University.

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