Monday, August 2, 2021

Spencer Mecham is Off to His Mission in Honduras

His mother Christy reports:

    "When I think about Spencer serving a mission in Honduras all I see are smiles and laughter. I see smiles and laughter because that is what he brought to us at home. Spencer's quick wit and sense of humor will be missed (especially by his mom) but I know his humor and laughter will be contagious and bring joy to the people of Honduras. 

      "last six weeks of home MTC brought new challenges and a beautiful Spirit to our home. Watching Spencer spend hours studying the gospel and learning Spanish has been faith-building. He has the greatest understanding of the Lord's love and the tender mercies He offers to His servants. I watched him pray in faith when he needed the Typhoid vaccine and we couldn't find it anywhere, and again offer a prayer of gratitude when shortly after he was receiving the vaccine. Spencer's confidence in the fact that his very last Taco Bell five-dollar pack was his favorite brought back just a few days before he left for two years being the Lord's love for His missionaries at work, trumped coincidence and opened my eyes to all the tender mercies that perhaps we overlook. The Lord really does love his missionaries and that confidence gives us peace and calm as Spencer enters Honduras to teach about the Gospel of Jesus Christ."



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